Practice makes perfect


Mastering a skill takes hard work and numerous hours spent in practicing and improving. A low level of performance is more often due to lack of practice rather than a lack of innate talent. However, practicing takes lots of time and effort, which requires planning and grit.

Photo by Jake Noren / Unsplash
  • Practicing takes time, and that has to be reserved from your calendar. Booking the practice hours beforehand helps to allocate the time needed and to arrange equipment and plan the travel if those are required.
  • It is important to select a skill or topic you find interesting and useful. Mastering a skill takes lots of effort, and putting all that effort into rehearsing requires motivation. Also, selecting the learning methods you find most motivating is likely to increase the time you spend practicing the skill.
  • Finding a study group supports the motivation for most of the people. Interacting with people who share your interests support motivation for all and help to overcome challenges. The study group can be a strong source for motivation to keep on practicing even if motivation towards the topic would be temporarily low.
  • Plan for improvement. Measuring your development and continuously increasing the challenge level is likely to lead to faster development than continuously repeating the same rehearsals over and over again.

Finding the time and motivation to keep on practicing takes planning and also anticipating the possible setbacks. Having a realistic plan and committing to regular practices turns into skills development.

What kind of learning methods and environment you find motivating?

How could you measure the development of your team?