The art of building new habits


Habits build our skills over time, be it starting a new exercise routine, reading, studying a new topic or practicing a new language. Therefore it is important to understand how to build them and stick to them. With habit formation tools, such as triggers, scheduling and planning, make a difference. Adopting a new habit is often easier if it can be bound to, or if it replaces, an old habit one is used to follow.

Being away from the violin for more then 2 weeks is unsettling.  However,  my fingers remember where there are suppose to be when I play a Bach Sonata followed by some Galamian Scales.  I’m at my freshest and sharpest to play on Sunday mornings if possible
Photo by Jordan Mixson / Unsplash
  • Adopting a new habit is easier when it is planned. Reading one book each week is easier with a concrete plan on which books will be read during following weeks, when to read and how long does the reading take.
  • Habits are easier to follow when the obstacles are removed. When clothes and equipments for doing sports are put ready, picking them up happens easier.
  • Triggers remind to perform the habit. Studying a module of online course with the first cup of coffee during the mornings helps to repeat the habit.
  • Writing a concrete plan on how to overcome challenges when they occur, helps to be prepared and follow the plan. Therefore it is reasonable to plan beforehand how to act during long dark winter evenings when staying home seems to win heading to evening lectures.

Successful habit formation takes planning. Therefore it makes sense to write down concrete plans for it.

What should you concretely do to adopt the new habit you wish to follow?

What are the obstacles preventing your team from following the desired habits and how could they be removed?